Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Home Again...

I'm back in Ann Arbor! Well, I have been since Saturday, but it's been super busy and I haven't had time to post. Even now I should be doing other things, so I'm going to keep it short. I'm back, and sad that I had to say goodbye to the open road. But it's for the best, I've got a bunch of stuff to take care of before I leave for the Peace Corps. 27 months is a looooong time!

So yeah, now I'm spending time with friends, getting paperwork done for Peace Corps, sorting out my wants and needs for the next 27 months and getting everything settled and ready to go. I'll report on the rest of my road trip within the next week or two, I just wanted to shoot out a quick holler so y'all aren't worried I've forgotten about you.

Talk soon!

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